Empowering Outstanding Primary Music Education

A personalised bespoke service centred around your needs to improve and achieve

Kirsty Allman-Ward

I am passionate about music in primary schools and supporting schools to develop and improve their music curriculum and wider musical school provision. Every child deserves the opportunity to receive a high quality, engaging and enjoyable music education.

I have worked extensively with Senior Leadership Teams, Music Subject Leads and non specialist teachers at all stages of their careers. This includes ITT students soon to embark on theirs and ECTs at the beginning of their career. I support schools and individuals to create a vision for their school where music is central and celebrated, and support them in their ambition to deliver a high quality music education. I am particularly interested in supporting schools to improve their curriculum provision.

I can offer you the widest range of consultancy support in helping you identify, plan and develop your music provision. I particularly enjoy working collaboratively with others to develop confidence, skill sets and empowering individuals to provide their own high quality primary music.


Supporting Senior Leadership & Music Subject Leads
Supporting the workforce
Supporting the emerging workforce


"The consultancy service has been invaluable in helping us enhance our music curriculum. Kirsty's expertise and guidance has greatly improved the quality of our teaching and learning."

"It was a pleasure to meet you on Tuesday, and to have a good discussion which enabled me to think more deeply about how we provide music and enable progression here" .....Head Teacher, Hertfordshire

"Brilliant as always Kirsty! Thank you!"...Subject Lead, Hertfordshire

"Thank you so much for coming. It has been so wonderful and helpful"....Subject Lead, Hertfordshire


